Tonight, friends, I bring to you a tale of victory over the forces of darkness! The story of..Danwith B Demented Vs. Edustin of the Elven Crusaders!!! Our tale starts off with a group of happy, joyous, fun-loving FoH members helping friends hunt in the scary Mistmoore Castle. Things had been looking bleak for the good guys...the group was scattered, most loss, some dead...horrible creatures assaulted our hero from all sides. Suddenly, out of the darkness of the zone line, came an evil so horrible, it put the other monstrous beasts to shame!! It was...Edustin, the evil PK who's an anti-PK but is still a PK...WTF??? The horrible mob attacked, forcing our hero to flee for his life. It seemed like the night of fun was over...why not just hang it up, and call it a night? Then, the unthinkable happened...the Evil PK sent a tell, claiming victory...NEVER!!! The PK made a horrible mistake, in becoming smug, and challeneged the mighty bounty hunter to a 1 on 1 combat. The rules were laid, the gladiators ready...the combat began. See the bit where he's sayin "she drained all my mana, stupid"? The screenie didn't catch it, but some goober named Firooz was there. First he came up with this:
[Thu Nov 22 23:06:05 2001] Firooz says, 'Maleeka Down !'
Surprise, dipshit!!! I'm quite alive and well. next came :
[Thu Nov 22 23:06:22 2001] Firooz says, 'NO heal yourself'
That was directed at Ed, hence his reply. The results are below.
Survey says...1 more, for the good guys!!! But, this enraged the adversary, who quickly demanded a rematch....little did he know, in our first fight, I gave him a 1 cast head start, and didn't even have my Pillage Enchantment up for the fight. Once again, the warriors met on the field of battle. Our hero quickly brought the creature to it's knees!!
2 defeats not being enough, the enemy wants another shot. This time, it stipulates that our hero must forsake his pet, and throw down his powerfull mana sieve weapon...WTF, let's rumble!! But this time, tragedy struck...our hero was beseiged by evil NPC's, mid fight, intent on his destruction...while wiping the bloody floor with this NPC, the evil adversary jumps up and ganks our hero like a cheap whore lifting a wallet after sex. No screenie here, cause I was dead...duh. So, the verbal assault begins. Claims of dishonor fly. The evil adversary flees the zone. Our hero loses all control, and begins to log out, disgusted...but wait! NO!!! This can't end this way...The brave bounty hunter quickly calls upon his guildmates to track down the vile fiend, who is spotted in the Faydark area. Our hero mems his spells...buffs for action...No more playing games with this creep. Danwith spots the criminal, and assails him, quickly bringing the evil to his knees with his raging power!
With the mission accomplished, our hero retires to his stronghold, satisfied with a job well down. Strangley, the enemy sends messages of tribute!
Of course, he wants to know who it was that brought so much joy to his life ths day!!
He's obviously too overwhelmed with honor to find the words for the moment!!!
And even compares our hero to the great, legendary Blart!!! Hmmm...maybe not THAT good...yet!